Events û Overview



The Events section is created for storage of the information about holidays and other events that are important to you.

Besides, the Events allows systemizing your information by placing it into the appropriate folders. For example, you can create groups named "Holidays", "Important dates", etc. and place the appropriate events into them. The data inside the viewing area has a tree-like structure.


To simplify the information grouping process we added Drag & Drop support, so just drag the records or the entire folders to place them inside folders. Also you can copy or cut any record and paste it into other folder using appropriate shortcuts (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) or using the popup window in the Events area.


Every event can be set to repeat. You donÆt need to create the same event every time, just marked as a recurring one. To match you expectations, C-Organizer provides extended recurring options.

If an event has a pre-set reminder, it is marked by the following sign: . If an event does not have a reminder, it is marked like this: .


You can preview an eventÆs description by pressing the following button:. Furthermore, a record can be posted as an electronic ôstickerö on a computerÆs monitor.

See the chapter ôHow to preview a record and to work with stickersö for details.


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